Friday, April 04, 2003

I remember seeing commercials for Army of Darkness and thinking, "That movie looks really good." When I actualyl said it outloud, everyone but my brother laughed at me. We rented it when it came out on video and it opened up a whole new world of movies to us.

It was Nathan who would eventually drag The Evil Dead into our house and force my whole family to watch it and Evil Dead 2: Dead By Dawn as a Saturday night double feature on our 21" Magnavox. Much research followed. Much renting of "B" movies. Anyone involved with those movies became important, but none so much as Bruce. I became enamoured with him - his piercing eyes and chin. I bought horror movie magazines and cut out pictures of Bruce the way other girls were cutting out pictures of Jared Leto. When Brisco County came out, I was in heaven.

I even started doodling my name as "Katherine Campbell" on my notebooks at school. I was young enough that it was cute, now it's just creepy.

But the real turning point in my fandom with Bruce was seeing his guest bit on X-Files in the episode "Terms of Endearment." It was while watching that show that I realized he could really act. And that he was pretty good at it. At the end of that hour, Bruce Campbell had ceased to just be a beefcake for me to drool over, he was someone whose ability was worth admiring.

And he's got a cute butt, too.


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